About Carolina and Myself
In 1995 after a miraculous recovery from an accident that nearly cost me my life, I was able to get out of a wheelchair and walk for the glory of God.
In 1996, I went to Colombia on my second mission trip. There I met the pastor’s daughter who would later become my wife. God had been calling both of us into missions before we had even met.
In 1998, during a mission’s conference in Texas the calling to be a missionary became a way of life. I soon began my studies and training with YWAM (Youth With a Mission). During a time of prayer with some of my companions, God gave me vision of Uruguay; a country that I had almost never heard of. In this country, God showed me a school for training missionaries; a central place where people from other nations would come to receive training and launching to the nations to serve God.
This vision was just the beginning of a long period of gestation and training in order to see its fulfillment, and Carolina and I kept these things and pondered them in our hearts.
As part of the training with YWAM I had the opportunity to serve in Brazil with people living on the streets.
Following our marriage, Carolina and I continued serving the nations. We went to South Africa and worked with people affected by HIV/AIDS, youth, and orphans. In Norway we had the opportunity to evangelize in the public schools through art, dramas, and a coffee shop, surrounded by upper class youth. In Mexico, we were co-leaders of an evangelism team. We were also able to go to Costa Rica, among others. Finally, in 2001 God opened the door to our first exploration trip to Uruguay (the Promised Land) through Global Missions. Once there, God confirmed our calling to this nation and began opening the doors to mobilize the vision that he had put into our hearts years before. In 2006 Carolina, our two daughters, and myself moved to the city of Rivera, Uruguay where we worked with YWAM as leaders in the Discipleship Training School. Again, there we had the opportunity to take teams to practice evangelism and missions in Bolivia and Brazil. In the midst of all this coming and going, a vision continued to grow in our hearts to see missionaries being sent to other nations.
Actually, Carolina and I, along with our four children, have established ourselves in Montevideo, where we have begun to establish the Catapult Missions Missionary Training School. We are calling and encouraging all of the people that have been merely sitting on the pews of their churches to leave their nets in order to follow the one who can make them “fishers of men” and go around the world teaching the Gospel to every creature.